Peer Review

Review by 27870643

Whilst reading over student  27869769‘s website,I discovered that they have demonstrated a high level of knowledge about their texts,it is clear they thoroughly read,watched and viewed their chosen related texts.They have used a wide range of english vocabulary,suited to this task.This student’s site whilst modern and engaging visually,has well written responses and great writing structure.The site is set up for easy access so that a wide demographic can view it.This is also further enhanced by the fluent writing making it clear and easy to understand and read.This student has shown a powerful knowledge of the prescribed text as well their chosen texts. This student has created three compelling pieces of writing,that outline their ability to focus on any type of text showing discovery,and any type of discovery.I believe this student has chosen effective texts and should continue on with them throughout the HSC.Upon viewing this site,and all it has to offer,I understood more about discovery,Perhaps learning through other students has a profound impact on you?Overall a very engaging piece of writing and visually the site is interactive and alluring site

Excellent assignment  10/10

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